Super Hot Hot Dog review, by Iris F
Dance is only one of our participants’ many talents. Iris, one of our wonderful Kick Up dancers, is an aspiring dance critic! Read her review of Super Hot Hot Dog below.
'A hot dog, a super super hotdog! Energetic and fascinating! ‘.
Iconic moments:
Bottles of mustard and ketchup
Summer theme
Beach towels
Pink fish
It reminded me of summer vibes with friends at the beach.
DJ stood out to me, especially using the microphone, he is very comedic. I felt the second main dancer, Sheri, was excellent at teasing the other dancers with the ice creams which felt very funny!
The Undersea Fair ground and sea horses were hilarious and moved so well together. Gestural moves when becoming the octopus and fishes, beautiful mirrors and reflective gloves. Very skilful cast.
Corali dancers managed to get the audience to interact with the fishes as they are very energetic performers. There was a wonderful moment between DJ and another dancer using a chair, working together but with fun, silly moments.
Lights changed to purple and blue when underwater which was very clear and the lights under the buckets worked well to see where entrances and exits were.
I really liked the message behind the dance, it felt good to me. I recognised something in it.
- IF, The Place 2024